Student-Designed Majors
Since the beginning years of the College of Liberal Studies, students at CLS have designed and studied a wide variety of self-designed majors, integrating and crossing the boundaries of diverse fields of study. Some examples of student-designed majors include the following (listed in alphabetical order).
Bachelor of Arts
- Aesthetic Value Management (미적가치경영학)
- An Interdisciplinary Study of Emotions (감정학)
- Art Management and Administration (예술경영)
- Chinese Studies (중국학)
- Cognitive Studies of Religion (인지종교학)
- Comparative Literature (비교문학)
- Consumer Analytics (소비분석학)
- Contractual Institutions (계약제도학)
- Criminology (범죄학)
- Cultural Narratology (문화서사학)
- Cultural Studies and Communication (문화커뮤니케이션)
- Culture & Arts Contents (문화예술콘텐츠학)
- Culture Contents Marketing (문화콘텐츠마케팅학)
- Digital Humanities: East Asia (디지털 인문학: 동아시아)
- East Asian Evironmental Studies (동아시아환경학)
- East Asian Humanities (동아시아인문학)
- East Asian Studies (동아시아학)
- Environmental and Energy Policy (환경 에너지 정책학)
- Evolutionary Biological Psychology (진화생물심리학)
- Film and Video Studies (영화영상학)
- Global Development and Cooperation (국제개발협력학)
- Global Environment (국제환경학)
- Governance of Science and Technology (과학기술거버넌스)
- Happiness Studies (행복학)
- Historical Dispute Studies (역사분쟁학)
- Human Communication (인문소통학)
- Human Resource Development (인적자원개발학)
- Human Rights Studies (인권학)
- Human Rights (인권학)
- Information and Culture Commerce Studies (정보문화통상학)
- Institutional Ethics (제도윤리학)
- International Commerce (국제통상학)
- International Development and Cooperation Studies (국제개발협력학)
- International Environmental Studies (국제환경학)
- International Food and Agricultural Development (국제식량농업개발학)
- International Political Economy (국제정치경제학)
- Kinetic Modeling (키네틱조형)
- Knowledge Ecology (지식 생태학)
- Korean Reunification (평화통일학)
- Korean Studies (한국학)
- Latin American Studies (라틴아메리카지역학)
- Literature and Philosophy (문학철학)
- Media Arts Communication (매체예술소통학)
- Media Contents Management (미디어콘텐츠경영)
- Music Sociology (음악사회학)
- Musical Aesthetics (음악미학)
- National Happiness Psychology (국가행복심리학)
- Peace Studies (평화학)
- Political Economy and Philosophy (정치경제철학)
- Science and Technology Studies (과학기술학)
- Science and Technology Communication Studies (과학기술소통학)
- Social Communication Studies (사회 소통학)
- Social Development & Management (사회개발경영)
- Social Ecology (사회생태학)
- Social Informatics (사회정보학)
- Sociology of Law (법사회학)
- Studies of Environmental Policy (환경정책학)
- Studies of Institutional Development (제도발전학)
- Studies of Public Governance (공공거버넌스학)
- Studies on Image and Imagination (이미지와 상상)
- Study of Ludus and Culture (놀이문화학)
- Study of Public Governance (공공거버넌스학)
- Study of Public Development (공공발전학)
- The Study of Communication of Law (법소통학)
- The Study of Evolution of Legal Norms (법규범진화학)
- The Study of Happiness (행복학)
- The study of human rights (인권학)
- Virtual Reality Studies (가상현실학)
- Visual Culture Studies (시각문화학)
- Visual Culture Trend Studies (시각예술트렌드분석학)
- Food Studies (음식학)
- Human-Robot Interaction (인간로봇상호작용학)
Bachelor of Engineering
- AI Interaction Engineering (인공지능 인터랙션 공학)
- Artificial Intelligence Engineering (인공지능공학)
- Biological Engineering (생물공학)
- Futures Studies (미래학)
- Human Movement Science (인간운동과학)
- Human-Centered City Engineering (인간 중심 도시공학)
- Informaion Engineering of Quantum (양자정보공학)
- Mechatronics Design (메카트로닉스디자인)
- Production Engineering (생산공학)
- Robotics (로봇공학)
- Social Computing (소셜 컴퓨팅)
- Urban Planning and Engineering (도시계획공학)
- Urban Social Engineering (도시사회공학)
- Value Science and Engineering (가치과학공학)
Bachelor of Science
- Aesthetic Neuroscience (미의 신경과학)
- Behavioral Neuroscience (행동신경학)
- Bioinformatics (생물정보학)
- Cognitive Biopschology (인지생물심리학)
- Cognitive Logic (인지논리학)
- Data Science (데이터과학)
- Exercise Physiology (운동생리학)
- Exercise Science (운동과학)
- Human Behavioral Ecology (인간행동생태학)
- Information Managment and Data Analytics (정보관리와 자료분석학)
- Interaction Design (인터랙션디자인)
- Interdisciplinary Information Science (융합정보학)
- International Science Cooperation (국제과학협력학)
- Kinesiology (신체운동학)
- Logic in Computer Science (전산논리)
- Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic (수리논리철학)
- Science Studies (과학학)
- Science, Technology and Environmental Studies (환경과학기술학)
- Sports Science (운동과학)
- Sustainability Studies (지속가능성학)
- Systems Neuroscience (시스템 신경과학)
- Tropical Studies (열대학)