UC Berkeley Ph.D
Seoul National University, Department of Mathematical science, B.S.
2022. 09 ~ 현재
Seoul National University, College of Liberal Studies, Associate Professor
2018. 09 ~ 2022. 08
Seoul National University, College of Liberal Studies, Assistant Professor
2015. 08 ~ 2018. 08
IBS-CGP, Research Fellow
2013. 10 ~ 2015. 07
University of Luxembourg, Research Associate
Research Interests
- Mathematics (Number theory, Arithmetic geometry)
- The rational cuspidal subgroup of J_0(p^2M) with M squarefree (with J. Guo, Y. Yang and M. Yu), Math. Nachr. (2023, online)
- The rational torsion subgroup of J_0(N), Adv. Math., Vol.426 (2023), 109111
- The rational cuspidal divisor class group of X_0(N), J. Number Theory, Vol.242 (2023) 278–401
- Bounds for 2-Selmer ranks in terms of seminarrow class group (with M. Yu), Pacific J. Math., Vol.320(1) (2022) 193–222
- Arithmetic Chern-Simons theory II (with H. Chung, D. Kim, M. Kim and J. Park), in p-adic Hodge theory, Simons Symposia (2020)
- Abelian arithmetic Chern-Simons theory and arithmetic linking numbers (with H. Chung, D. Kim, M. Kim, G. Pappas and J. Park), Int. Matth. Res. Not. IMRN, Vol.2019(18) (2019) 5674–5702
- On rational Eisenstein primes and the rational cuspidal groups of modular Jacobian varieties, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.372(4) (2019) 2429–2466
- Non-optimal levels of a reducible mod l modular representations, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.371(6) (2019) 3805–3830
- The action of the Hecke operators on the component groups of modular Jacobian varieties (with T. Kim), Pacific J. Math., Vol.296(2) (2018) 341–355
- Rational torsion points on Jacobians of modular curves, Acta Arith. 3472 (2016) 299–304
- On Eisenstein ideals and the cuspidal group of $J_0(N)$, Israel J. Math. Vol. 214 (2016) 359–377
- Rational torsion points on Jacobians of Shimura curves, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. Vol. 48(1) (2016) 163–171
- The index of an Eisenstein ideal and multiplicity one, Math. Z. Vol. 282(3) (2016) 1097–1116