- Ph. D. East Asian Thought and Culture, The University of Tokyo
- Doctoral Coursework Oriental Philosophy, Seoul National University
1992. 02
- M. A. Oriental Philosophy, Seoul National University
1992. 02
- B. A. Philosophy, Seoul National University
Academic Career
2022. 09 ~ 현재
- Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Hallym University(2001.9 ~ 2012.2)
- Vice Director, Hallym Academy of Sciences(2009.9 ~ 2012.2)
- Visiting Scholar, University of Washington(1007.12 ~208.8)
- Classical Chinese Studies Professor, The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies(2002.3 ~ 2007. 2)
- Research Associate(Joshu), The University of Tokyo(1997.10 ~ 2001.8)
- Lecturer, Saitama University(1999.4 ~ 2000.3)
Professional Experience
2022. 09 ~ 현재
- President, The Society for Asian Philosophy in Korea(2023.3 ~ )
- Vice-President, Pan Korean Philosophical Society(2021.7 ~ )
- Member of Academic committee, The Korean Society of Confucianism(2022. 3 ~ )
- Member of Founding Committee, Journal of the history of ideas in East Asia(2011. 9 ~ )
- Member of Foreign Book recommendation board, National Library of Korea(2017. 1 ~ )
- Member of the Planning and Evaluation Committee, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (2018.4 ~ )
- Member of th Board, The International Society of Toegye Study(2017.3 ~ )
- Chair, Special Committee of the Humanities, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences(2018.5 ~2020.5)
- Member of the National Curriculum Advisory Committee, Ministry of Education(2015.2 ~ 2015.12)
- RB, Humanities and Social Research Division, Korea Research Foundation(2012.9 ~ 2016.5)
Research Interests
- Modern Chinese Philosophy, Korean Philosophy
- Comparative philosophy:Chinese and Western
- Intellectual History, Conceptual History, Translation Theory
Selected Publications
[Papers & Book Review]
- (Book Review), “East Asian Liberalism in past 100 years: Conceptual Historical Analysis and Narratives of the History of Thought”, Asia Review, Vol. 12, No. 3, Seoul National University Asia Center, 2022.
- “From Han (漢) Learning to Philosophy: Japanese Confucian Studies in 20th Century Transitional Period”, The Journal of Korean Studies, Vol. 49, Inha University Center for Korean Studies, 2018.
- (Book Review), “Gunja (君子) and Citizen”, Concept and Communication, Vol. 20, Hallym University Hallym Academy of Sciences, 2017.
- “The Representation of Democracy in Modern China: Minzhu and Minben”, China Knowledge Network, Vol. 9, Kookmin University Center for Interdisciplinary Research on China, 2017.
- “A Semantic Change of the Confucian Concept of Yunli in Modern Korea”, Journal of Philosophical Ideas, No. 9, Seoul National University Institute of Philosophy, 2017.
- “Fusion of Horizon in the Korean Enlightenment Movement: 1880-1900”, ORIENTALISKA STUDIER, No.148, 2016.
- “Yanfu: Searching for the Principle of Western Society”, Journal of East-West Humanities, No. 6, Kyungpook National University Institute of Humanities Studies, 2016.
- “Imaging the Imperial Russia in Modern China”, Journal of Humanities, Vol. 72, No. 1, Seoul National University Institute of Humanities, 2015.
- “The Birth of the History of Chinese Philosophy in 20th Century: Authors and Texts”, The Journal of Asian Philosophy in Korea, No. 39, The Society for Asian Philosophy in Korea, 2013.
- “Translating Darwin’s Metaphors in East Asia”, Trans-Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 3, Ewha Institute for the Humanities, 2013.
- “In Search of Thought: Japanese Viewpoint on China and its Sinology”, Korean Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 6, Seoul National University Institute for Japanese Studies, 2012.
- (Co-work) “The Multi-layered Character of Mondern Concepts in Korea, Concepts And Contexts in East Asia, No. 1, Hallym Academy of Sciences, 2012.
[Book & Translation(including co-work)]
- Modern Transitions in Japanese Scholarship, Seoul National University Press, 2022.
- A.I.‘s Bias and Chatbot’s Deviation, Sechang Publish, 2022.
- Li (理) : Nature and Ethics: Korean Foundation of the Notion of Ethics, Acanet, 2020.
- (High School Textbook) Ethics and Thoughts, CMASS, 2019.
- Encounter between East Asian and Western Thoughts: Assimilating Notions and Widening Surfaces, East and West Publishing Company, 2019.
- Impact from Western Learning and Transition, East and West Publishing Company, 2019.
- Various Meanings of “East Asian Dao (道) and Western Qi (器)”, East and West Publishing Company, 2019.
- Western Political Thoughts and Widening of Meanings in Confucianism, East and West Publishing Company, 2019.
- Social Thoughts and Assimilating between East Asian and Western, East and West Publishing Company, 2019.
- Synthesis of East Asian and Western Thought, East and West Publishing Company, 2019.
- Assessment and Prospect of Studies on Assimilation between East Asia and West, East and West Publishing Company, 2019.
- Thematic Conceptual Dictionary for Ethics and Thoughts, CMASS, 2018.
- Conceptual Consilience between People-Based (民本) and People-Owned (民主), Sung Kyun Kwan University Press, 2017.
- (Co-Annotated Translation) Eumbingsiljayuseo(飮氷室自由書), Liang Qichao, Pureunyeoksa, 2017.
- Modern Chinese Philosophy for Beginners, Dongnyok, 2016.
- 1905 Russian Revolution and its Reverberations in Three East Asian Countries, Seoul National University Press, 2016.
- (Co-work) Modern Knowledge and its Translations in East Asia, Somyong Publish, 2015.
- From the Left-Right to Conservative and Progressive, Pureunyeoksa, 2014
- (Ed.) Plurality and Universality of Chinese Civilization, Acanet, 2014.
- Conceptual History in Two Points of Time, Pureunyeoksa, 2013.
- (Co-work) Bibliographical Notes on the Basic Books of East Asian conceptual Study, Vol. 1/2, Seonin Publish, 2010/2013.
- Translating Modernity in East Asia, Bogosa, 2013.
- Translation and Creation of Concepts, Dobegae, 2012.
- リベラリズムの中國(Liberalism in China), 有志舍, 2011
- (Co-Translation) What is Conceptual History, Vol. 1&2, Pureunyeoksa, 2010.
- (Annotated Translation) Yan Fu, What is Politics: The Birth of Politics in Modern China, Sung Kyun Kwan University Press, 2008
- Yan Fu: Chinese Modernity and Western Thought, Tae Hak Sa Publish, 2008.
- (Annotated Translation) Yan Fu, Tianyan lun, Somyong Publish, 2008.
- (Translation) Sakamoto Hiroko, The Myth of Nationalism in Modern China: Race, Body and Gender, Vista Books, 2006.
- (Translation) Nakamura Yujiro, Sensus Communis, Minumsa, 2003.
[Policy Report]
- A Basic Research for making an Asian network of Intellectuals, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021.
- Research on improving assessment in the humanities, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020.
- Humanities: Examples of convergence and innovation, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020.
- A Basic Research on Northeast Asian cutural Community Ⅰ/Ⅱ, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019.
- Humanities Study in South Korea: Reflections and Resolutions. National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018.
- Humanities Policy Direction in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017.