1991. 02
서울대학교 계산통계학과 이학사
1993. 02
서울대학교 통계학과 석사
1997. 12
미국 오하이오주립대학교 통계학 박사
1997. 12
미국 오하이오주립대학교 통계학 박사
2011 ~ 현재
정교수, 서울대학교 통계학과
2004 ~ 2011
부교수, 서울대학교 통계학과
2001. 09 ~ 2004. 01
조교수, 이화여자대학교 통계학과
1999. 03 ~ 2001. 08
조교수, 한국외국어대학교 정보통계학과
1997. 09 ~ 1999. 02
연구원, National Institutes of Health, U.S.A.
Research Interests
- Survival Analysis
- Bayesian Statistics
- Statistical Learning and Data Mining
- Model Selection
- Big Data Analysis
- Kim, Y. (1998). Mechanisms of symptom in Bartoszynski’s virus model, Mathematical Bioscience, 153, 63-78.
- Kim, Y. (1998). Optimal estimation for continuous state branching processes with discrete sampling, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 70, 77-89.
- Kim, Y. and Verducci, J. (1999). Too much sampling kills the UMP test. Statistics and Probability Letters, 41, 101-105.
- Kim, Y. (1999). Nonparametric Bayesian estimators for counting processes, Annals of Statistics, 27, 562-588.
- Kim, Y. et al. (1999) Early initiation of breast feeding and the risk of infant diarrhea in rural Egypt. Pediatrics, 1-5 (Internet Journal)
- Kim, Y. et al. (1999). Epidemiology of rota virus diarrhea in Egyptian children and implications for disease control. American Journal of Epidemiology, 150, 770-777.
- Kim, Y and Lee, T. (1999) Time and state dependent failure rate model for software reliability. Proceedings of the Joint Statistical meetings, Baltimore, USA.
- Kim, Y. and Lee, J. (2001) On posterior consistency of survival models. Annals of Statistics, 29,666-686.
- Kim, Y. et al. (2001). An outbreak of typhoid fever, Xing-An County, People’s of Republic of China, 1999; Estimation of the field effectiveness of Vi Polysaccharide Typoid Vaccine. Journal of Infectious Disease., 183, 1775-80.
- Kim, Y. (2002) Convex Hull Ensemble Machine. Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 243-249
- Kim, Y. and Lee, J. (2003) Bayesian analysis of proportional hazard models. Annals of Statistics, 31, 493-511
- Kim, Y. (2003) Averaged Boosting: A new noise robust ensemble method, Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligience 2637, 388-393.
- Kim, Y. (2003) On posterior consistency of mixture of Dirichlet process with censored observations. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 30, 535-547..
- Kim, Y. and Lee, J. (2003). Bayesian bootstrap for the Cox’s proportional hazard model. Annals of Statistics. 31, 1905-1922.
- Lee, Jaeyong and Kim, Yongdai. (2003). Statistical analysis of survival models with Bayesian bootstrap. Recent advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics. 411-420.
- Kim, Yongdai and Lee, Jaeyong (2004) A Bernstein von-Mises theorem in the nonparametric right-censored model, Annals of Statistics, 32, 1492-1512 (SCI)
- Park, Eunsik and Kim, Yongdai (2004) Analysis of longitudinal data in case control studies, Biometrika, 91, 321-330 (SCI) (corresponding author)
- Lee, Jaeyong and Kim, Yongdai (2004) A new algorithm for generating beta processes. Computational Statistics and Data Ananlysis, 47, 441-453 (Corresponding author) (SCI) (corresponding author)
- Kim, Yongdai and Kim, Jinseog (2004) Convex hull ensemble machine for regression and classification, Knowledge and Information Systems, 6, 645-663.
- Kim Yongdai, Kim, Jinseog and Jeon, Jongwoo (2004) Ensemble methods and rule generation, in Intelligient Technologies for Information Ananlysis (eds. Zhong, N. and Liu, J.), Springer, 67-88.
- Kim, Yongdai and Kim, Jinseog (2004) Gradient LASSO for feature selection. Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on machine learning, 473-480.
- Kim, Yongdai, Lee, Jaeyong and Kim, Jinseog (2005) Bayesian bootstrap for double censored data, Statistica Sinica, 15, 969-980. (SCI)
- Hwang, Hyungtae, So, Byungsoo and Kim, Yongdai (2005) On limiting posterior distributions. Test, 14, 567-580. (SCI) (corresponding author)
- Kim, Jinseog and Kim, Yongdai (2006) Maximum a posteriori pruning on decision tree and its application to bootstrap BUMPing. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 50, 710-719. (SCI)
- Kim, Yongdai (2006) The Bernstien -von Mises theorem for the proportional hazard model. Accepted by Annals of Statistics. (SCI)
- Kim, Yuwon, Kim, Jinseog and Yongdai Kim (2006) Blockwise Sparse Regression. Accepted by Statistica Sininca. (SCI) (corresponding author)
- Pillar, Ramani, Kim, Yongdai and Lee, Hakbae (2005) On casting random effects model in a survival framework.
- Kim, Jinseog, Kim, Yuwon and Kim, Yongdai (2005). Gradient LASSO algorithm.
- Kim, Yongdai, Kim, Yuwon and Kim, Jinseog (2005) ANOVA boosting.
- Kim, Yongdai (2005). Bernstein von Mises theorem for doubly censored data.
- Kim, Yongdai, Kwon, Sunghoon and Song, Seokhun (2006). Multiclass sparse logistic regression for classification of multiple cancer types using gene expression data.
- Yi, Kwangkeun, Kim, Yongdai, Kim, Jaehwang, Choi, Hosik and Shin, Jaeho. (2006). An empirical study for classification methods for alarms from a Bug-Findins Static C analyzer.
- 김용대 (2000). 데이터마이닝의 이해, HP DB 솔루션.
- 김용대, 이군희 (2000). 새로운 도산모형예측에 대한 고찰. 서강대학교 경영논총. 계제예정.
- 김용대, 이군희 (2000). The analysis of firm mortality using time dependent financial ratios: semiparametric approach. 한국계량경제학회 논문집. 계제예정
- 김용대, 최대우 (2000). 단축순수성에 의한 나무모형의 성장에 대하여. 한국진흥정보시스템힉회 추계학술발표회 논문집
- 김용대, 김진석, 김유원, 전종우 (2000). Improving AdaBoost via dimension redution. 한국데이터마이닝학회 학술대회논문집.
- 김용대,박진경,김진석,김유원,전종우 (2000). Variable selection with AdaBoost. 한국분류학회 추계학술대회논문집.
- Kim, Yongdai. (2001). Mixtures of beta processes for right censored survival data. Journal of Korean Statistical Society, 30, 127-138.
- Hong, J., Kim, Y. and Jung, I. (2001). Empirical Bayes nonparametric estimation with beta processes based on censored observations. Journal of Korea Statistical Society, 30, 481-498.
- Kim, Jaekwang and Kim, Yongdai. (2003). Inference after stochastic regression imputation under response model. Journal of Korean Statistical Society, 32, 103-120.
- Kim, Yongdai and Park, Jinkyung (2004) Comparison of interval estimates for relative risk ratio with rare events, The Korean Communications in Statistics, 11, 181-187.
- 김용대, 박진경 (2005) . 동측치가 많은 Frailty모형의 분석. 응용통계연구, 18, 67-81.
- Kim, Yongdai, Kim, Kyung Hee and Song, Seuck Heun (2005). Comparison of Boosting and SVM. Journal of Korean Data and Information Science Society. 16, 999-1012.