1988. 03 ~ 1994. 02
박사: 서울대학교 과학사 및 과학 철학 협동 과정
1984. 03 ~ 1986. 02
석사: 서울대학교 과학사 및 과학 철학 협동 과정
1980. 03 ~ 1984. 02
학사: 서울대학교 물리학과
2006. 04 ~ 현재
교수, 서울대학교 생명과학부
2003. 05 ~ 2009. 05
부교수, 서울대학교 생명과학부
2000. 07 ~ 2003. 05
부교수, 캐나다 토론토 대학 과학기술사 철학과
1995. 07 ~ 2000. 06
조교수, 캐나다 토론토 대학 과학기술사 철학과
Research Interests
1. History of science
- Visualization and representation in physical sciences
- The Concept of progress in Darwinian evolutionary biology
2. History of technology
- The history of electrification in Korea, 1887-2007
- The formation of scientific electrical engineering
3. Science, technology and society (STS)
- Technological risk and governance
- Team creativity and leadership in science
- Neuroethics and neurohumanities
Selected Publications
- Hong S (2008) Science with a Human Face (Seoul National University Press) in Korean.
- Hong S (2008) The Hwang Scandal that “Shook the World of Science”. East Asian Science, Technology, and Society an International Journal 2: 1-7.
- Hong S (2007) East Asian STS: Some Critical Issues. East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: an International Journal 1: 233-236.
- Hong S (2006) Korean Scientists Look at Japanese Colonization: The Emergence of an Idea of the Value-Neutrality and Objectivity of Science. Historia Scientiarum 15: 268-275.
- Hong S (2005) Marconi’s Error: The First Transatlantic Wireless Telegraphy in 1901. Social Research 72: 107-124.