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교수진 상세

이정혜 조교수

이메일 junghye@snu.ac.kr


  • 포항공과대학교 박사(산업경영공학)


  • 포항공과대학교 학사(산업경영공학)

2023. 03 ~ 현재

서울대학교 공과대학 기술경영경제정책 협동과정 & 자유전공학부 조교수

2022. 03 ~ 2023. 02

 울산과학기술원 정보바이오융합대학 산업공학과 (인공지능대학원 겸임) 부교수

2018. 03 ~ 2022. 02

울산과학기술원 정보바이오융합대학 산업공학과 조교수

2017. 08 ~ 2018. 02

  • UC San Diego 의과대학 정보의학과 박사후연구원
Research Interests
  • 머신러닝 & 딥러닝
  • 개인정보보호 연합학습
  • 그래프 기반 표현형 학습
  • 헬스케어 인공지능
  • 스마트 제조
  • 기술혁신을 위한 데이터 분석
  • 비즈니스 애널리틱스

Since 2021

  • Seok-Ju Hahn, Suhyeon Kim, Young Sik Choi, Junghye Lee*, and Jihun Kang*, “Prediction of Type 2 diabetes Using Genome-wide Polygenic Risk Score and Metabolic Information: A Machine Learning Analysis of Population-based 10-year Prospective Cohort Study”, eBioMedicine, December 2022. (SCI(E))  
  • Jae-Young Kim, Eo-Jin Hwang, Junghye Lee, Eunjung Kim*, and Dong-Wook Kim*, “Patient-specific molecular response dynamics can predict the possibility of relapse during the second treatment-free remission attempt in chronic myelogenous leukemia”, Neoplasia, October 2022.
  • Seok-Ju Hahn, Minwoo Jeong, and Junghye Lee*, “Connecting Low-Loss Subspace Learning for Personalized Federated Learning”, The 28th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD), August 2022. 
  • MyoungHoon Lee, Suhyeon Kim, Hangyeol Kim, and Junghye Lee*, “Technology Opportunity Discovery using Deep Learning-based Text Mining and a Knowledge Graph”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, July 2022. 
  • YongKyung Oh, Chiehyeon Lim, Junghye Lee, Sewon Kim, and Sungil Kim*, “Multichannel Convolution Neural Network for Gas Mixture Classification”, Annals of Operations Research, April 2022. 
  • Suhyeon Kim, Hangyeol Kim, Eun-Sol Lee, Chiehyeon Lim, and Junghye Lee*, “Risk Score-embedded Deep Learning for Biological Age Estimation: Development and Validation”, Information Sciences, 586, 628-643, March 2022. 
  • Dwi Yuli Rakhmawati and Junghye Lee*, “A product acceptance decision-making method based on process capability with considering gauge measurement errors”, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, July 2021. 
  • Suhyeon Kim, Wonho Sohn, Dongcheol Lim, and Junghye Lee*, “A multi-stage data mining approach for liquid bulk cargo volume analysis based on bill of lading data”, Expert Systems with Applications, 183, November 2021. 
  • Taek-Ho Lee, Junghye Lee*, and Chi-Hyuck Jun*, “Bilingual Autoencoder-based Efficient Harmonization of Multi-source Private Data for Accurate Predictive Modeling”, Information Sciences, 568, 403-426, August 2021. 
  • Junghye Lee*, Inyoung Choi, and Chi-Hyuck Jun, “An efficient multivariate feature ranking method for gene selection in high-dimensional data”, Expert Systems with Applications, 166, March 2021.