텍사스 A&M 대학교 통계학 박사
서울대학교 통계학 석사
서울대학교 통계학 학사
2023년 3월 현재
2022 ~ 현재
서울대학교 자유전공학부 & 통계학과 조교수
2020 ~ 2022
미국립보건원(NIH) 미국암연구소(NCI) 책임연구원(PI)
2019 ~ 2020
미국립보건원(NIH) 미국암연구소(NCI) 전임연구원
2017 ~ 2019
미국립보건원(NIH) 미국암연구소(NCI) 박사후과정 연구원
Research Interests
- 생물통계
- 생존분석
- 표본조사
- 시공간통계
- Shin Y-E, Gail MH, and Pfeiffer RM. (2022) Assessing risk model calibration with missing covariates, Biostatistics, 23(3), 875-890.
- Shin Y-E, Pfeiffer RM, Graubard BI, and Gail MH. (2022) Weight calibration to improve efficiency for estimating pure risks from the additive hazards model with the nested case‐control design, Biometrics, 78(1) 179-191.
- Shin Y-E, Zhou L, and Ding Y. (2021) Joint estimation of monotone curves via functional principal component analysis, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 107343.
- Shin Y-E, Liu D, Sang H, Ferguson TA, and Song PXK. (2021) A binary hidden Markov model on spatial network for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease spreading pattern analysis, Statistics in Medicine, 40(13), 3035-3052.
- Shin Y-E, Pfeiffer RM, Graubard BI, and Gail MH. (2020) Weight calibration to improve the efficiency of pure risk estimates from case‐control samples nested in a cohort. Biometrics, 76(4), 1087-1097.
- Shin Y-E, Sang H, Liu D, Ferguson TA, and Song PXK. (2019) Autologistic network model on binary data for disease progression study, Biometrics, 75(4), 1310-1320.
- Shin Y-E, Ding Y, and Huang JZ. (2018) Covariate matching methods for testing and quantifying wind turbine upgrades, Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(2), 1271-1292.