
[공개 특강] Deep Fake Geography - Prof. Zhao Bo (University of Washington)


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Virtual Seminar Big Data Studies

Deep Fake Geography? When Geospatial Data Encounter Artificial Intelligence

Zhao Bo (University of Washington)

24 September 2021 17:00 Pacific Time

25 September 2021 09:00 Korea Standard Time


The developing convergence of Artificial Intelligence and GIScience has raised a concern the emergence of deep fake geography and its potentials in transforming human perception of the geographic world. Situating fake geography under the context of modern cartography and GIScience, this paper presents an empirical study to dissect the algorithmic mechanism of falsifying satellite images with non-existent landscape features. To demonstrate our pioneering attempt at deep fake detection, a robust approach is then proposed and evaluated. Our proactive study warns of the emergence and proliferation of deep fakes in geography just as “lies” in maps. We suggest timely detections of deep fakes in geospatial data and proper coping strategies when necessary. More importantly, it is encouraged to cultivate a critical geospatial data literacy and thus to understand the multi-faceted impacts of deep fake geography individuals and human society.  

Zhao Bo is Associate Professor in Geography and GIScience and the

principal investigator of the Humanistic GIS Laboratory at the

University of Washington.

Registration: https://forms.gle/qjHr3juHwmxrZjRH8

Sponsored by: Big Data Studies Lab at Seoul National University and SNU Life Academy