제 8회 국제 학생 학술교류 프로그램 (Pan-Asia Students Conference 2018) 학생 선발 (자기부담금 수정)
제 8회 국제 학생 학술교류 프로그램 (Pan-Asia Students Conference 2018)
자유전공학부는 자유전공학부와 유사한 개념으로 운영되고 있는 학부 중심 단과대학인 북경대 위안페이칼리지, 동경대 교양학부, 홍콩중문대 선형학원(S.H. Ho College), 싱가포르국립대와 함께 매년 학생교류프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다. 올해에는 2018년 국제 학생학술교류대회(Pan-Asia Students Conference 2018)가 싱가포르 국립대에서 개최됩니다. 동아시아의 현안에 관심이 있고 아시아권 친구들과 각종 사안에 대해 자유롭게 토론하고 싶은 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
1. 프로그램 기간: 10월 11일-14일(3박 4일)
2. 선발 인원: 총 6명
3. 자기부담금: 30만원 (이 외의 항공료, 숙박, 식비 등 공동 프로그램 비용은 지원 예정)
4. 신청 방법: 신청서 작성 후 8/ 30(목) 오후 2시까지 조교실(220동 312-2호) 제출
5. 프로그램 일정
Day 1: Thu 11 Oct | Day 2: Fri 12 Oct | Day 3: Sat 13 Oct | Day 4: Sun 14 Oct | ||||
18.00 |
· Opening Ceremony · Key note address · Welcome dinner · 10 min presentation by each institution |
Morning | Discussions | Morning | Off-campus fieldtrip | 09.30 | Closing ceremony & presentations |
Afternoon | Presentations/ Discussions |
Afternoon | Fieldtrip (continued) | 12.00 | Closing ceremony lunch | ||
Evening | Discussions | Evening | Prepare final presentations | 14.00 ~ | Participants depart |
6. 프로그램 주제 (첨부문서 확인요망)
Main theme | Our Identity in this Changing World | In this modern and increasingly connected world, we are exposed to and influenced by many different cultures, schools of thought and people. With the advent of technology, old boundaries are blurred. As we come to embrace the ideals, values and even people of other cultures and communities, our identity adapts to this new environment. Yet is this new identity the same as the one of yesteryear? If this continues, will the world eventually become one homogenous society? |
Sub-theme 1 | What gives “People” their identity? | As lines start to blur in this globalised world and with the influx and outflow of people across borders, what defines a “People”? What is the difference between an ethnic and communal identity? |
Sub-theme 2 | Who defines our society’s cultural identity? | Culture is an amorphous thing. It’s hard to capture in words and means different things to different people. It is interacted with and responded to differently. What youths consider a quintessential part of our society’s culture may differ from the older generation. So who is in charge of the trajectory of culture? |
Sub-theme 3 | What identities do spaces take in our society? | Many of our societies often have structures and spaces that are culturally and historically rich. Some of these spaces possess a strong sense of symbolism, while other serve as historic memory or architectural icons. Some of these structures are preserved as a reminder of their once great glory, while others are restored and repurposed, converting an old historical building into a museum or a retail space. Should we preserve these structures in their natural state, like the Coliseum, Rome, or should we restore them to their former glory, like Himeji Castle, Japan? |
* 토론 준비와 더불어 조별 발표와 소감문 등의 후속 활동이 요구될 예정입니다.
문의: 02) 880 – 9547, hakyoung53@snu.ac.kr (이하경 전문위원)