학부생을 위한 영어강의 지원프로그램 안내[CTL 주관]
교수학습개발센터에서는 점차 확대되어 가는 영어강의에 대한 두려움을 극복할 수 있도록 영어강의 지원 프로그램을 준비하였다고 합니다. 관심있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.
※문의 : 서울대학교 교수학습개발센터 학습지원부 880-1327, 아래 홈페이지(For more details) 참조
※ 2)항의 강의는 대학원생을 주로 대상으로 하며 한국어로 진행됩니다.
1) Academic discussions (Beginner to Intermediate Level)
- Title: Make
effective and successful academic discussions: Tips and strategies
- Place:
Centre for Teaching and Learning (Bldg 61, Room 121)
- Date & Time:
Monday (16 May), 15.00-17.00pm
- Organiser: Centre for Teaching and Learning
(CTL), Seoul National University
- Speaker: Dr CK Jung
Part 1: Speaking in
academic contexts (settings, purposes, participations and community
expectations) / Part II: Tips and strategies (making suggestions, giving
opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, giving reasons, guessing, dealing with
interruptions, quoting important authors, summarising and concluding) / Part
III: Hand-on experience
For more details: http://ctl.snu.ac.kr/news/index.php?main=%2Ftingboard%2Ftb_exec.php%3Fexec%3DVIEW%26board_no%3D5%26data_no%3D801
2) Abstract writing (Beginner to Intermediate Level)
- Title: Abstracts
and the writing of successful abstracts
- Place: Shinyang Humanities Hall
(Bldg 4, Room 309)
- Date & Time: Monday (23 May), 14.00-16.00pm
Organiser: English Writing Centre, Seoul National University
- Speaker: Dr CK
For more details: