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자유전공학부만의 전공수업~! 주제탐구 세미나 3에 다음과 같은 유익한 교과목이 개설되었습니다. 이번에 새로 부임하신 소렌슨 교수님의 생생 명강좌!를 들을 수 있는 기회를 놓치지 마시기 바랍니다. 

본 강의에 대한 소개를 올려드립니다. 

Below is a course description of “Literary Analysis, Theory and
Interpretation.” Hopefully this will do the job, otherwise let me know and I’d be happy to revise it. Kind regards, Eli



Our global culture is changing faster than ever, and it seems unlikely to slow down in the foreseeable future. But what does “culture” actually mean today? If by “culture” we mainly imply entertainment”?why does it still matter so much in terms of our sense of identity, religion, tradition and history? How does cultural understanding refine or perhaps blur the perception of events surrounding us, and, by implication, ourselves? 
In attempting to answer these questions, this course offers a wide variety of interdisciplinary methods and approaches to cultural phenomena. The field of Literary Studies provides students with a better and more nuanced grasp of the complexity of signs and communicative discourses, and how to understand their significance in our global world. The emphasis is on analysis, theoretical thinking and interpretation?in short, this course will aim to make students better critical readers of culture and the ways in which cultural aspects impact everyday life in the most abstract as well as concrete manners. Unlike traditional literary courses, we shall focus on interdisciplinary dialogue?between different texts, events, genres, and media?in order to challenge conventional notions and dogmatic thinking. Thus, the course especially appeals to students majoring in fields other than that of Literary Studies?such as Anthropology, History, Film Studies, Linguistics, Sociology, Art, Gender Studies, Political Science and so forth; basically, any students who are interested in gaining professional critical reading skills, and in becoming adroit and sophisticated readers of contemporary culture might find this course valuable. In addition to its interdisciplinary nature, another important dimension of this course is self-reflexivity; the awareness of how our own position?regardless of which academic discipline we come from?is always-already caught up in ideological structures when we read or try to understand the position of others. The emphasis on self-reflexivity also means that student activity will play a very important role in this course?each student is encouraged to contribute to the class discussion, and to learn from each other’s different educational backgrounds. Above all, during the course we will study and discuss material that most students can relate to in one way or another?such as literature, popular music, films, documentaries, paintings, newspaper articles, as well as computer games. Anyone interested in techniques, methods and strategies to read these cultural products and phenomena in a critical and nuanced way, and to understand their deeper significance in everyday life, will find this course thought-provoking and helpful. The course is open to students at all levels with a broad interest in cultural studies.